我把硬盘接在IDE2口上,一切正常.接IDE1口时进不了系统,蓝屏,显示一大串英文.A Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer zf chis is the first time your computer.if this screen appears again .follow these steps.check for viruses on your computer .remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers check your hard drive tomake sure it is properly configured and terminated,RUN CHKDSK/F to check for hard drive corruption,ond then restart your computer.
Technical information:
***.stop:0x0000007B(0xFT94A528,0xc0000034,0x000000.0x000000) :'( :'(
A Problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer zf chis is the first time your computer.if this screen appears again .follow these steps.check for viruses on your computer .remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers check your hard drive tomake sure it is properly configured and terminated,RUN CHKDSK/F to check for hard drive corruption,ond then restart your computer.
查出了问题,并且窗口被关闭预防损坏对于您的计算机zf凯爱是,第一次您的computer.if这个屏幕再看上去.follow病毒的这些steps.check在您的计算机.remove上所有最近安装的硬盘或硬盘您的硬盘tomake它适当地肯定配置控制器检查并且被终止,奔跑CHKDSK/F检查硬盘腐败, ond然后重新开始您的计算机。