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How a Hard Disk Drive Works
Last updated: 2/5/2002
SERVO-FORMATTING. Try to visualize a thing, hollow cylinder passing through all of the platters in a hard disk drive. It would produce a circular track on each side of each platter. Now divide each track into equal arcs or sectors. Well, that is exactly how a hard disk is organized. That is, Cylinders, Heads (which are equal the number of tracks/cylinder or platter sides), and Sectors are the coordinates of the data on a hard disk drive.
伺服格式化 让我们试着显示一下柱道是如何分布在硬盘里的盘片上的。在盘片的每一面生成着圆形的磁道,每个被划分为相等长度的弧或扇区。好吧,硬盘完全就是这样组织的---柱道,磁头(等于磁道/柱道数或盘片的面数),扇区是硬盘上放置数据的。
There are two kinds of sectors on a hard disk. The first and at the very lowest level is the servo sector. When a hard disk is manufactured a special pattern is written in a code called a Gray code on the surface of the platters, while the drive is open in a clean room, with an expensive machine called a servowriter.
A Gray Code is a binary code in which successive numbers differ by only a single bit. Although many Gray Codes are possible, one specific Gray Code is considered the Gray Code because of its efficiency in computation. This efficiency is why it is used for the servo pattern instead of other binary codes. A three-bit Gray Code is shown to the right.
Although there are other schemes, the Gray Code is written in a wedge at the start of each sector (an embedded servo pattern) on most drives. There are a fixed number of servo sectors per track and the sectors are adjacent to one another. This pattern is permanent and cannot be changed by writing normal data to the drive. It also cannot be changed by low-level formatting (see below) the drive, as some may think. If it is changed, the drive has had it--kaput!
The electronics use feedback from the heads, which read the Gray code pattern, to very accurately position, and constantly correct the radial position of the appropriate head over the desired track, at the beginning of each sector, to compensate for variations in platter geometry, caused by mechanical stress and thermo expansion and contraction. Altogether, the head positioning components form what is know as closed-loop servo system--a marvelous (and, perhaps, dangerous) thing to watch operate in a drive which has been opened.
磁头在每个扇区的头部读出灰码,利用灰码移到非常精确的位置,不断校正磁头本身的位置,使得能处于想要到达的磁道,补偿由机械应力和热胀冷缩引起的盘片几何改变。总之,已知磁头定位系统是一个闭环伺服系统---观察打开的硬盘工作是一件很爽的(也许是很危险的)事情。 |