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发表于 2023-12-1 17:17:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 广东惠州 来自 广东惠州


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iPhone 11 damaged by water, Apple restarts for repair

After replacing the I2C resistor, the iPhone restarted irregularly, could not record, and did not shut down after being flooded. The problems were successfully solved.

[Machine model] iPhone 11

[Fault Phenomenon] The customer found that after the phone was soaked in water, it could be turned on and used for a period of time. But after using it for a period of time, he found that the device vibrated, had no sound, and restarted. Sometimes there is no response when touching the screen after automatic restart.

[Repair Process] The iPhone 11 cannot automatically restart after being flooded. This is usually caused by corrosion ofthe front cameracable, rear connection cable, or components on the motherboard. During the repair process, problems with the front camera and rear connectors need to be eliminated before the motherboard can be repaired. After receiving the customer's mobile phone, I found that a thin line appeared on the right side of the screen and it was suffocated and unusable. The main reason is that there are fuses inside.

During the system test, it was found that the phone had no sound, did not shut down, could not record, and would automatically restart. According to this situation, the tail plug was replaced first, but the fault still existed. The fault is basically determined to be on
the motherboard.

After removing the motherboard, I started checking the values. After connecting the socket, it was found that the resistance value was basically normal. I found that one I2C interface resistor value was 360, another was 348, and a dozen more. I connected the power supply and turned it on to measure the I2C voltage. I found one voltage is 1.78V and the other is only 0.7V. , for two reasons. First, the connected capacitor and chip are damaged and the voltage decreases. Secondly, the pull-up resistor of the I2C interface is corroded, causing the voltage to be low.
Xin made the software and found through the schematic diagram that the I2C kit lives in several places, including a small audio, switch chip CPU, antenna base and several capacitors.

There is a capacitor next to the location. First it was discovered that there was still a fault. I turned off the small sound and turned off the sound in turn, and found that the fault still existed. Currently only the pull-up resistors of the CPU and I2C interface and the voltage PP1V8_S2 are retained. Through the circuit diagram of the new intelligent manufacturing software , we know that the pull-up resistor of the I2C channel is next to the seat. It turned out later that the fault still existed. Then I removed the small sound and switch in turn and found that the fault still existed. Currently only the pull-up resistor voltages of the CPU and I2C channels as well as RC140 and RC141 are retained. Looking through the bitmap, we find that these two pull-up resistors are located next to J7600.

After the mainboard is powered on, the voltage measured at the upper part of CR141 is 1.8V, and the other end is only 0.7V. Useair gunto blow, and the resistor will fall off. Based on experience, it is speculated that this may be caused by water intrusion before. However, there is glue on the side shell, so it is not very clear. Looking through the schematic, I found out that these are two 1.2K resistors. After directly replacing the resistor of the same size, the voltage returned to normal. After the power-on test, the phone restarted, recording was normal, and the speaker and vibration were also normal.

[Result] After entering the system test, the phone kept restarting and the screen failed, but all functions were normal.

This case is provided by
Xunwei Quick Repair flagship store .

Xunwei Quick Repair undertakes repair services for all types of mobile phones, computer/ laptop motherboards, data, tablets, etc. Free inspection, no charge if not repaired.
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Self-service inquiry and self-ordering: http://www.xw360.com
Maintenance address: Xunwei Room 203, 2nd Floor, Junuo Building, Fuhai Science and Technology Industrial Park, Fuyong Community, Fuyong Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City.
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发表于 2023-12-18 11:56:47 | 只看该作者 来自: 马来西亚 来自 马来西亚
thank you very much for you to write it down and share with us !

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发表于 2023-12-4 10:54:47 | 只看该作者 来自: 江苏 来自 江苏

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发表于 2023-12-6 15:25:47 | 只看该作者 来自: 河北唐山 来自 河北唐山

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