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A laptop arrived at our service. complaint: no start onlaptop I connected the power supply. and there was a short circuitin the mains voltage. Because I noticed that the CPU gets hot when the mainvoltage comes on. i checked with my thermal camera yes cpu is getting hot. Istarted to examine over the sky. If the CPU is getting hot, it means one of itsmosfets is broken. I found a dual n channel mosfet with a short circuit
Dual n Channel MOSFET- was broken. and the upper mosfet init was short circuit. I also measured the mosfet outside. short circuit. Ireplaced the mosfet with a new one. and the short circuit problem is gone
So far, so good. I connected the motherboard to the powersupply. was in standby mode. I started and I'm happy. I said multiple endings.motherboard started. I immediately connected the ram and panel. I started. noimage  I thought it might be due to BIOS issue or RAM. I wrote theBIOS on the official site and tried other working RAM. unfortunately nothing iswrong. When I measured all the coils the voltages were all active. sequentiallywith the motherboard's signal timing, all required signals were active.
VCC_GT voltage seems strange to me. 0.6V. Because VCC_GTvoltage should rise momentarily and then become low after the motherboardstarts up. The operating system time needs to be increased. of course, avoltage that changes according to the image on the motherboard
then i connected post card
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