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XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

发表于 2021-12-29 15:33:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式 来自: 广东深圳 来自 广东深圳


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XinZhiZao(XZM)Produced by chinafix.com. provides circuitdiagram, schematic diagramBoardview,Maintenance Case, Include mobile phone, tablet, laptop,graphics card, motherboard and server. Join free, you can try it.
Xinzhizao registration download link:http://global.wmdang.com/

XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

Worlds largest maintenance databasewebsite. We made a maintenance software for Laptop and smartphone in Englishversion,It including circuit diagram、schematic、Boardviewand Maintenance Cases for the following products.Smartphones include alliPhone, Huawei、Vivo、Oppo、XiaoMi、Samsung.... ,laptop includes APPLE、Lenovo、Dell、Hp,Samsung....VIP(all functions)only need less than 0.1 dollar per day。

Function introduction

It is easy touse and supports PCB and PDF files

1. The system supports PCB files (pointbitmap + network node) and PDF circuit diagram files. It supports doubleopening and can display PCB and circuit diagram on the same screen.
2. Quick positioning element / signal line.You can jump from PCB components to PDF circuit diagrams and vice versa.
PCB jump to PDF: left click the pin to bequeried, and then right click to find the components or signals in theschematic diagram, and the program will automatically jump to the correspondingposition of PDF.
You can also jump in PDF: use the textselection tool to select the corresponding component position number or signalname, and options will pop up automatically. Click the corresponding option toautomatically jump to the corresponding position in PCB.

The directory structure is open andreasonable, and it is easy to quickly expand maintenance data。

The system can integrate various maintenancematerials such as mobile phones, notebooks, desktop motherboards, graphicscards and LCD TVs, which will be continuously updated every day, and all kindsof resources will be added continuously. Welcome friends with the latest mobilephone, computer, LCD TV, PCB, PDF and other maintenance materials to join us.

XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

Collect all kinds of expert maintenanceideas, common fault cases, various materials and videos.
Rich maintenance ideas, cases and commonproblems of common models can help you quickly repair the machine and achievetwice the result with half the effort. In the later stage, novice videos andother materials will be integrated to help novices get started quickly.

XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System
XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System
PCB layer routing:
when the screw iswrongly punched through the main board flying wire and the main board isbroken, when checking the board layer routing layout and line pathdisconnection troubleshooting, the maintenance personnel can clearly see thedirection of the circuit, making the maintenance faster and more convenient!
XinZhiZao Mobile Phone/Computer Maintenance Query System

发表于 2021-12-29 22:43:36 | 只看该作者 来自: 河南 来自 河南

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