需要材料,一款diy界网红arduino uno,采用8位AVR单片机,自带bootloader和一大推的支持库。配合arduino开发环境可以快速简单的编写arduino的程序。
一个GPS shield扩展板
这些都是扩展版,直接堆叠插在一起就好了,第一层是arduino uno(这是废话),第二层是ICOMSAT扩展板,第三层是GPS shield扩展板。这就是arduino的魅力,拥有大量的周边扩展模块,直接连接。让没有硬件开发知识人,只要会简单的c语言就可以玩转arduino。
首先对ICOMSAT扩展板操作,开关拨到UART的一端,跳线帽按照RXD->D2,TXD->D3如图,接上GSM天线和插上 手机SIM卡。详细跳帽和引脚请下载查阅产品手册和 原理图。

然后对GPS shield扩展板操作,开关拨到5V,跳线帽按照RXD->D1,TXD->D0如图连接,接上GPS天线


在编译程序之前我们需要下载arduino的gsm和gps的支持库,解压后放在Arduino\libraries的目录下 下面是程序代码复制粘帖过去IDE中,编译好后下载到arduino中就好了。 #include "SIM900.h" #include //#include "inetGSM.h" #include "sms.h" //#include "call.h" #include #include /* This sample code demonstrates the normal use of a TinyGPS object. It requires the use of SoftwareSerial, and assumes that you have a 4800-baud serial GPS device hooked up on pins 3(rx) and 4(tx). */ TinyGPS gps; #define ledpin 13 #define pwrkey 27 //************************************************************************** char sms_rx[122]; //Received text SMS byte type_sms=SMS_ALL; //Type of SMS byte del_sms=1; //0: No deleting sms - 1: Deleting SMS char number_incoming[20]; //************************************************************************** SMSGSM sms; int error; boolean started=false; bool newData = false; char gps_year[8]; char gps_mon[3]; char gps_day[3]; char gps_hour[3]; char gps_min[3]; char gps_sec[3]; char gps_lon[20]; char gps_lat[20]; char gps_sms[100]; void setup() { //software power sim900 up pinMode(pwrkey,OUTPUT); digitalWrite(pwrkey,HIGH); delay(600); digitalWrite(pwrkey,LOW); Serial.begin(115200); Serial2.begin(9600); if (gsm.begin(9600)) { Serial.println("\nstatus=READY"); gsm.forceON(); //To ensure that SIM908 is not only in charge mode started=true; } else Serial.println("\nstatus=IDLE"); if(started) { //delete all sms message Serial.println("Deleting SMS"); char error = DeleteAllSMS(); if (error==1)Serial.println("All SMS deleted"); else Serial.println("SMS not deleted"); } else {Serial.println("SIM900 NOT EXISTED"); while(1);} delay(10000); } void loop() { if(started) { check_gps(); Check_SMS(); } } void Check_SMS() //Check if there is an sms 'type_sms' { char pos_sms_rx; //Received SMS position pos_sms_rx=sms.IsSMSPresent(type_sms); if (pos_sms_rx!=0) { //Read text/number/position of sms sms.GetSMS(pos_sms_rx,number_incoming,sms_rx,120); Serial.print("Received SMS from "); Serial.print(number_incoming); Serial.print("(sim position: "); Serial.print(word(pos_sms_rx)); Serial.println(")"); Serial.println(sms_rx); if (del_sms==1) //If 'del_sms' is 1, i delete sms { error=sms.DeleteSMS(pos_sms_rx); if (error==1)Serial.println("SMS deleted"); else Serial.println("SMS not deleted"); } if((strstr(sms_rx,"gps")!=0)&&(strlen(sms_rx)==3)) { Serial.println("\nsending SMS"); if(newData) { if (sms.SendSMS(number_incoming, gps_sms)) Serial.println("\nSMS sent OK"); else Serial.println("\nSMS sent error"); } else { if (sms.SendSMS(number_incoming, "gps not ready")) Serial.println("\nSMS sent OK"); else Serial.println("\nSMS sent error"); } } Serial2.flush(); } newData=false; return; } char check_gps() { newData=false; unsigned long chars; unsigned short sentences, failed; // For one second we parse GPS data and report some key values for (unsigned long start = millis(); millis() - start < 1000;) { while (Serial2.available()) { char c =; // Serial.write(c); // uncomment this line if you want to see the GPS data flowing if (gps.encode(c)) // Did a new valid sentence come in? newData = true; } } if (newData) { float flat, flon; unsigned long age; int _year; byte _month, _day,_hour,_minute,_second,_hundredths; gps.f_get_position(&flat, &flon, &age); gps.crack_datetime(&_year,&_month,&_day,&_hour,&_minute,&_second,&_hundredths,&age); flat == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : flat, 6; flon == TinyGPS::GPS_INVALID_F_ANGLE ? 0.0 : flon, 6; dtostrf(flat, 11, 6, gps_lat); dtostrf(flon, 10, 6, gps_lon); strcpy(gps_sms,"lat:"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_lat); strcat(gps_sms,"\n"); strcat(gps_sms,"lon:"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_lon); strcat(gps_sms,"\n"); strcat(gps_sms,"time:"); itoa(_year,gps_year,10); strcat(gps_sms,gps_year); itoa(_month,gps_mon,10); if(strlen(gps_mon)==1) strcat(gps_sms,"0"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_mon); itoa(_day,gps_day,10); if(strlen(gps_day)==1) strcat(gps_sms,"0"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_day); itoa(_hour,gps_hour,10); if(strlen(gps_hour)==1) strcat(gps_sms,"0"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_hour); itoa(_minute,gps_min,10); if(strlen(gps_min)==1) strcat(gps_sms,"0"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_min); itoa(_second,gps_sec,10); if(strlen(gps_sec)==1) strcat(gps_sms,"0"); strcat(gps_sms,gps_sec); Serial.println(gps_sms); } } char DeleteAllSMS() { char ret_val = -1; if (CLS_FREE != gsm.GetCommLineStatus()) return (ret_val); gsm.SetCommLineStatus(CLS_ATCMD); ret_val = 0; // still not present gsm.SimpleWriteln(F("AT+CMGDA=\"DEL ALL\"")); switch (gsm.WaitResp(8000, 50, "OK")) { case RX_TMOUT_ERR: // response was not received in specific time ret_val = -2; break; case RX_FINISHED_STR_RECV: // OK was received => SMS deleted ret_val = 1; break; case RX_FINISHED_STR_NOT_RECV: // other response: e.g. ERROR => SMS was not deleted ret_val = 0; break; } gsm.SetCommLineStatus(CLS_FREE); return (ret_val); }
通过9v电池供电或者是充电宝usb供电,把做好的三层不明物体放在开阔的地方,想arduino的手机号码发送“gps”短信,之后会收到一个回信,内容为 lat:23.036960 lon:114.418800 time:20170919114516 lat表示纬度,lon表示经度,time表示时间,不过是“格林尼治时间”(本初子午线)不是北京时间,和北京时间相差8小时。不会算的回去学地理。 如果你收到“gps not ready”回信,那就是说明没有搜到gps卫星,等一下或者是换个地方。