之前简单介绍了一下DDR3的ODT的作用,今天来详细聊一聊ODT的几种操作模式,首先是ODT的同步操作模式,这也时运用最多,最常用的模式。 聊一聊DDR3中的ODT如下 只要DLL处于开启且是锁定状态,就处于同步ODT模式。当DLL处于关闭状态时,不可运用直接ODT(Direct ODT)功能。此时,必须通过连续置ODT引脚为低电平,并将RTT_Nom电阻值置为0(set MR1{A9,A6,A2} to {0,0,0} )。 在同步ODT模式下,RTT会在ODT被采样为高电平的那个时钟上升沿之后的ODTLon个时钟周期被打开,同时,RTT会在ODT被寄存为低电平(采样并被寄存)之后的ODTLoff个时钟周期被关闭。其中,ODT的潜伏期(Latency)取决于写潜伏期(WL):ODTLon=WL-2;ODTLoff=WL-2; 补充说明:WL,写潜伏期,即写入命令发出到第一笔数据输入(主机到DDR的写入)的潜伏期。WL=AL+CWL。 如下表: ODTLon, ODTLoff, tAON,min,max, tAOF,min,max. ODTLon, ODTLoff已经介绍过了,下面讲一讲 tAON,min,max, tAOF,min,max. Minimum RTT turn-on time (tAONmin) is the point in time when the device leaves high impedance and ODT resistance begins to turn on. Maximum RTT turn on time (tAONmax) is the point in time when the ODT resistance is fully on. Both are measured from ODTLon. Minimum RTT turn-off time (tAOFmin) is the point in time when the device starts to turn off the ODT resistance. Maximum RTT turn off time (tAOFmax) is the point in time when the on-die termination has reached high impedance. Both are measured from ODTLoff. When ODT is asserted, it must remain high until ODTH4 is satisfied. If a Write command is registered bythe SDRAM with ODT high, then ODT must remain high until ODTH4 (BL = 4) or ODTH8 (BL = 8) after the Write command (see Figure 67). ODTH4 and ODTH8 are measured from ODT registered high to ODT registered low or from the registration of a Write command until ODT is registered low. 两个ODT操作的例子: 重要说明:也就是说,DDR3 SDRAM中的ODT功能只支持写入操作,并不支持读取操作。换句话说,就是需要在读数据时,打开主控端的ODT(前提是主机支持ODT),关闭DDR3端的 ODT;而在写数据时,则相反;数据线空闲时,则关闭两端的ODT。 |